Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Creative Review Project

The brief for this project was to create a magazine cover for the famous grpahic design magazine, creative review. We had to choose a graphic design company and then make the magazine cover linking with the specific design company. I chose the company 'non format' and as they have alot of work and clients with the music industry, I decided to create a cover like a music vinyl. I printed the cover on black paper and when the final image is displayed on the paper the rings on the page are glossy and shine a little just like a vinyl.

My teacher then sent my work along with my other class mates work to the Creative Review company. The company enjoyed the work so much they put our work on the website blog they have. They then chose 7 of their favourite pieces in which mine was one of them. Here is the link to the creative review blog, http://www.creativereview.co.uk/cr-blog/2009/december/student-cr-covers

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